Equity Initiative

"WE4LEAD Leadership" a project that aims to increase women's access to decision-making positions in Mediterranean higher education institutions, promoting a culture of gender equality and aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) by the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030.


The "WE4LEAD" project aims to contribute to the transformation of the governance of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Mediterranean region through the dissemination of a culture of gender equality, with a particular focus on the southern shore.

In this context, the project aims more specifically to increase women's access to the highest decision-making positions, in order to contribute to a fully inclusive governance and management of HEIs.

To this extent, the objective of this project is in line with the objective of reforming HEIs as advocated in Component 2 of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) program: Projects should help HEIs to develop and implement institutional reforms that will make them more democratic, inclusive and equitable, and full-fledged components of civil society.

It also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG5 on gender equality which aims to "achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls." The project's objective of increasing women's access to the highest decision-making positions fully corresponds to one of the targets of the SDG5: "women's access to leadership and decision-making positions".

This project focuses on governance structures, gender awareness among decision-makers and the recruitment of women to senior positions, while introducing gender equality measurement tools and methods (GEM) and working to extend its achievements, in time, to other HEIs and the social and economic environment in which they operate.


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