We are delighted to announce that our proposal has been selected by the Ministry of Equality of the Spanish Government, with the support of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Thanks to this support, we are organizing the 3rd International Conference on Gender Studies (ICGS 2025), which will focus on the theme "Gender and Leadership in Academia." This topic is closely aligned with the objectives of our ongoing project.
The conference will take place in Madrid (UAM) from July 8 to 10, 2025, bringing together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss key issues related to gender representation in academic leadership. The event will feature keynote sessions, panel discussions, and knowledge-sharing opportunities aimed at fostering inclusivity and equity in higher education governance.
We are also planning an afternoon workshop on the collection and analysis of gendered data. We would be honored to count you among the conference and workshop participants.
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At the end of January 2025, Soukeina Bouraoui, a member of the WE4LEAD project, spoke about women's empowerment, inclusion and education in the Mediterranean region, during an interview with the “Club des Entrepreneurs” (Tunisia).
Through the findings and activities of CAWTAR and RESUFF, Soukeina Bouraoui discussed the difficulties faced by women in the MENA (Middle East & North Africa) region in gaining access to decision-making positions, as well as the solutions proposed by the region's networks.
CAWTAR, a training and research center for Arab women, present in 22 Arab countries, has two lines of research: i) on a macro scale, CAWTAR writes reports on the situation of women in the countries concerned alongside international institutions (OECD, UNDP) and ii) on a micro scale, CAWTAR supports development projects, notably agricultural development groups for the economic empowerment of women. Drawing on the results of her scientific and empirical research, Soukaina Bouraoui points out that in the MENA region, women account for only 20% of economic development in these countries.
Key activities included training sessions on the impacts of gender stereotypes, participation in panels on gender and inclusion in sciences, engagements with national and international institutions to foster inclusive practices.
This event provided an opportunity to highlight the key themes of the WE4LEAD project to an audience of over 350 researchers and academic scholars. Watch the full video above to explore the key points of this keynote lecture.
This doctoral school was organized in collaboration with the University of Aix-Marseille (the vice-presidency for equality, the TELEMME laboratory and GenderMed), the Lebanese University, RESUFF, CAWTAR and the University of Sousse. The school took place at the University of Sousse and featured lectures on the artistic body and the medicalized body. Doctoral students presented their theses on both issues.
CAWTAR and the Spanish Cooperation Agency presented their project on violence against women with special needs.
February 27 was dedicated to women (in preparation for March 8, International Women's Rights Day). Civil society from the city of Sousse was present, as were members of the We4LEAD project at the University of Sousse. I took the opportunity to present the We4LEAD project (training against gender stereotypes, training in leadership and gender, creation of a gender database, creation of an anti-harassment unit).
The ICGS-2024, aims to be a collective for reflection and research around gender issues with their different considerations. In its second edition "Gender, Research and Innovation", this international conference aims to nourish the already existing reflection on gender-related issues in the fields of research and innovation. It has a multi-disciplinary vocation and aims to bring together the various studies relating to gender. It will provide an opportunity for researchers, teachers, professionals and representatives of civil society to engage in fruitful exchanges and benefit from the synergies linked to the decompartmentalization of theoretical, empirical and experimental knowledge around the question of gender.
The Union for the Mediterranean is organizing a Workshop on Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in Higher Education Institutions, that will take place on 12 December 2023 from 10h to 13h CET online.
The workshop aims to explore the importance of GEPs in Higher Education Institutions, address challenges in their development, and encourage collaboration for gender equality in academia, with a specific focus on STEM. Please find the draft agenda and concept note here for further information.
September 29, 2023, Ministry of Defence, Paris, France
The WE4LEAD project - Women's Empowerment for LEADership and Equity in Higher Education Institutions - mentioned to counter the influence of gender stereotypes on cognitive performance and recruitment decisions during a speech by its director Isabelle Régner, Vice-President for Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination at Aix-Marseille University, at the Seminar for "gender equality" referents at the French Ministry of the Armed Forces.
July 5, 2023, Sousse University, Sousse, Tunisia
The WE4LEAD project - Women's Empowerment for LEADership and Equity in Higher Education Institutions, the CBHE Erasmus+ project, took center stage at the Téthys General Assembly.
Following the presentation of the project by all the partners (the co-sponsors of eight Working Packages), and to close the event, Isabelle Régner (Professor and Vice-President in charge of Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination, Aix-Marseille University and WE4LEAD Project Director) and Boutheina Ben Hassine (Professor and Coordinator of the Parity Unit, University of Sousse) gave two lectures on gender equality in academia.
June 22, 2023, Université Nice Côte d'Azur, Nice, France
The WE4LEAD project - Women's Empowerment for LEADership and Equity in Higher Education Institutions presented by Isabelle Régner, Vice-President Egalité Femmes Hommes et Lutte contre les Discriminations Aix-Marseille Université as a concrete example of international collaboration to raise awareness of implicit gender biases among all partner university juries at the round table "Including gender in science and promoting gender diversity: what role for higher education?"
Isabelle Régner's intervention is available at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dsAIW5u4mc (from the 45th to the 54th minute of the recording)
Video link
This webinar aims to assess achievements, take stock of barriers and explore opportunities, innovative approaches, best practices, and policy recommendations to advance women’s economic empowerment with a focus on the Mediterranean and Africa.
This webinar provides a platform for knowledge sharing, dialogue, and collaboration by gathering international experts, practitioners, and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and for encouraging collaboration among various stakeholders to drive collective action in advancing women’s economic and financial empowerment.
Click the link below to download the PDF file: Download PDF
RESUFF's aim is to draw up a diagnosis of the contribution made by digital technology in this field at the level of its partner establishments. At a time when digital technology has become indispensable, and when the challenges of artificial intelligence are already being debated, RESUFF hopes to contribute to an accurate analysis of the situation for women at university, and to initiate the necessary remedial action by contributing to a better appreciation of digital tools and the possibilities they offer, particularly for female university professionals in their professional emancipation.
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