What the Media Says About Us

Page: Al-Fanar Media

by Samar Kadi

Mar, 2024

Title: Project Aims to Help Women Attain Key Positions in Higher Education

The article outlines the WE4LEAD project's mission to enhance gender equality and increase women's representation in leadership roles within higher education institutions.


Page: This is Beirut

by Sana Richa Choucair

4 Feb, 2024

Title: Ensuring Equal Access for Women in University Leadership Roles

an article written that describes WE4LEAD, a project that brings together nine universities across the Mediterranean, aiming to promote gender equality in higher education governance and increase women's representation in leadership roles. Despite its ambitious goals, this initiative addresses crucial challenges, particularly within patriarchal societies like Lebanon.


Page: L'orient le Jour

by Carol Awit

11 Jan, 2024

Title: WE4LEAD, pour accroître la présence féminine aux postes de direction au sein des universités

In subtitle, the article briefs; this initiative seeks to empower women in higher education institutions and increase their access to decision-making positions.



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